Is DCI Kinoti Arrested? Is DCI Kinoti In Prison?

Is DCI Kinoti Arrested?

George Kinoti, the Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI), was given a four-month prison sentence for contempt of court after refusing to turn up the firearms that belonged to businessman Jimi Wanjigi.

In 2017, a raid was conducted on Wanjigi’s Muthaiga residence in Nairobi, and the weapons were taken from him.

 On June 21, 2019, Justice Chacha Mwita approved the businessman’s request for court orders compelling the head of the DCI to hand up his firearms, ordering Kinoti to give Wanjigi back a Smith and Wesson handgun, a Glock Pistol, a Mini Acher, and M4CQ assault rifles.


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Is DCI Kinoti In Prison?

The DCI director was given a four-month prison sentence for contempt of court after he disobeyed court instructions to surrender guns that had been taken from businessman Jimi Wanjigi.

In order to avoid the Director of Public Prosecutions issuing an arrest warrant against him, he had been given a 7-day deadline to report to Kamiti Maximum Prison.

In a subsequent plea to the High Court, Attorney-General Kihara Kariuki requested that Kinoti’s sentence at the Kamiti Maximum Prison be suspended while his case was heard and decided.

The AG claims that because the Firearms Licencing Board is the custodian of firearms, the contempt charges brought against Kinoti were misdirected.

DCI Kinoti Arrested

Judge Anthony Mrima of the High Court stated in his decision on Thursday that Kinoti has continued to be stubborn after being ordered to return the firearms.

Mrima thus gave Kinoti a seven-day deadline to turn himself in to the officer in charge of Kamiti Maximum Security Prison in order to begin serving his punishment. If he doesn’t, Hillary Mutyambai, the inspector general of police, is supposed to carry out the court’s directives.

Mrima further decreed that Kinoti must be detained right away on the day he departs from or retires from DCI in the event that Mutyambai is unable to apprehend his junior.

The judge observed that Kinoti adamantly declared he would not implement the 2019 directives even after the court asked him to explain why he found it difficult to follow its commands and even plead for mercy.

DCI Kinoti Prison Sentence

Wanjigi submitted another appeal to have the ruling enforced a year after Justice Mwita made the original one. The businessman requested that Kinoti be found in contempt of court and given a six-month prison sentence.

The court declared Kinoti in contempt in February of this year and gave him 30 days to comply with Justice Mwita’s 2019 decision.

When Kinoti requested a private hearing in July because he had some facts to share, Wanjigi objected.

Despite the court’s promise to hear the contempt request in September, Kinoti did not appear. There was no injunction forcing Kinoti to show up in person, the DCI head’ attorney testified in court.

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