Akira Toriyama, a famous comic book author from Japan known for creating the popular “Dragon Ball” series, passed away on March 1 at the age of 68. His studio, Bird Studio, and Capsule Corporation Tokyo confirmed his death, citing acute subdural hematoma as the cause, which is when blood gathers between the skull and brain.
Toriyama’s work, including “Dr. Slump” and “Sand Land,” is well-known not only in Japan but also worldwide. His creations have influenced many manga artists and cartoonists. At the time of his death, he was working on several projects, according to his studio.
“Dragon Ball,” his most famous creation, tells the story of a young boy named Son Goku on a quest to find the seven magical Dragon Balls. Since its debut in the 1980s, the series has released 42 volumes, sold millions of copies globally, and inspired numerous adaptations in television, film, and video games.