In a statement on Sunday he said, “The state that once spearheaded India’s growth story is now known all over for the ‘40% Commission’ government that exemplifies the BJP’s model of suit, boot, loot sarkar. Corruption at an unprecedented scale-pay for jobs, pay for contracts, pay for public services…there is nothing that is not up for sale for the BJP in Karnataka. The erosion of social harmony and the public sector is paralysing economic progress and hitting the poor and vulnerable the hardest.”
He alleged that the unbounded potential of its people was being crippled. Farmers growing any crop from every region are struggling to support their families due to rising costs, uncertain yields, and fluctuating prices.
“The youth are unable to find opportunities that meet their aspirations despite repeated attempts. Small entrepreneurs are shutting shop with inadequate or no support, and a market that is tilted heavily in favour of a few big players. MGNREGA workers, women workers, weavers, and many others are staring at shrinking incomes. Disadvantaged sections of the society and minorities face a rising tide of hatred and violence. The languages, the diverse cultures and the history of the state are being distorted and decimated,” he added.
He said that the Congress party will not allow this garden of peace to be turned into a laboratory for the BJP’s experiments with hatred and misgovernance.
“Through the untiring efforts of our state leaders, drawing on the rich cultures of Karnataka, and the support of crores of Kannadigas, that day will soon come when we will unleash Karnataka’s true potential through the path of love, peace and harmony,” he added.
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