Dota2 Leaderboard And Dota2 Eligibility


Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena video game released in 2013 by Valve. Defence of the Ancients 2 is a sequel to Defence of the Ancients, a community-created mod for Blizzard Entertainment’s Warcraft III:Reign of Chaos. The game is played in matches between two teams of five players, with each team occupying and defending their own separate base on the map. During a match, players collect experience points and items for their heroes in order to successfully defeat the opposing team’s heroes in player-versus-player combat. A team wins by being the first to destroy the opposing team’s “Ancient,” a large structure located within their base.

Dota2 Leaderboard

1   Cliché
2   V
3   Meliodas  
4   12
6   Isabellae&Panda
7   青择三号位求队!
8   PL+V Fhy001011
9   我带你们打.中国建设银行第一C
10   秋田
11   Wings.本子代购+++
12   空想家(调整中
13   披着红地球皮的超凡猪
14   NeverMore.Miracle-
15   六边形战士
16   求比赛队伍
17   1.123123
18   野王
19   Momus
20   swjtu.爬爬爬
21   张郃
22   .
23   是我的猪妹妹
24   ionia.Vvzed
25   1
26   小当家Dy6421054
27   Fluid.夜诛
28   IF YOU
29   诛重八
30   emou.ДиСkВР0Р3
31   YCCM.Autumn  
32   冷静不上火
33   GuGu
34   caca
35   2
37   爬
38   看我拿你
39   5
40   unreal_
41   落花流水
42   ʚkkɞ
43   菀卿小可爱♡
44   trash talk = mute
45   Runy
46   小屁屁
47   日中天
48   BilI23265266 BY
49   灰色轨迹
50   KUNIO
51   Kirby
52   ling
53   夜神、夜神
54   绝世高手.
55   章鱼哥
56   +..+
57   Mai
58   小虎余
59   三重刘德华
60   毛毛虎
61   高端的对手往往以队友
62   SuperGLW
63   Rain
64   大邪薛
65   ZYW.冠.
66   GH!PD.NND
67   赵长鹏
68   胖墩儿
69   孙悟天
70   FC.A.Denkibran 
71   本色出演
72   忽如远行客
73   好卡.^_^
74   P
75   雪冷凝霜
76   123
77   抛
78   JC
79   随心所欲
80   如歌的行板
81   ..xaynee
82   TTKpos1 or gg
83   ….
84   邢智渊
85   马格纳斯
86   Dream丶Future
87   睦梨白菜
88   等一片花落
89   111
90   DK.王小明
91   25th.shinsu
92   被单杀然后洗脸
93   坠入黑暗
94   庆之
95   秋
96   VB.杨千嬅的歌迷
97   Yaoyi
98   莉娜宝贝
99   Uni.Predator04v-  
100   huo


Dota2 Eligibility

A player must have the following to appear on the leaderboards:

  • A top-ranked solo MMR in the region.

  • At least 300 matchmaking games have been played in total. (Only PvP matches.)

  • At least 100 lifetime ranked solo games

  • At least 14 solo ranked games in the same division in the last 21 days

  • Official player information is on file.

  • An account that has not been suspended

Official Player Name

  • When a player achieves leaderboard eligibility, the system will prompt them to enter their Official Player Information for public display. In tournaments, official player names are used instead of Steam names.

  • Participants may enter their:

  • Name on display

  • The leaderboards will show your display name.

  • Residence country

  • The flag of your country will be displayed on the leaderboards.

  • Professional group

  • On the leaderboards, your team’s tag will appear before your display name.

  • Professional backers

  • On the leaderboards, sponsors will be appended to your display name.

  • Player Role

  • Mid, carry, and off-lane

  • Support

Only once every two weeks can official player information be changed. It may take up to a day for changes to appear on the leaderboards.

Disclaimer: The above information is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the Site.

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