League Of Legends Patch 12.20 Notes
Riot Phroxzon, the lead designer for League of Legends, has revealed the imminent patch 12.20 modifications. And according to Riot, they will further modify Blitzcrank in patch 12.20 to reduce part of his support power and make him more viable in the jungle. Moreover, Rammus, Jayce, Wukong, Gwen, Evelynn, and Ziggs are all expected to get new buffs in patch 12.20.
League Of Legends Patch 12.20 Update
Champion Buffs
Here are all the champions getting buffs on patch 12.20:
Wukong (Top)
Champion Nerfs
Here are all the champions getting nerfs on patch 12.20:
MR reduced 32 >>> 28
Passive adjustments:
Champion Adjustments
Blitzcrank (Jungle buff/Support nerf)
Passive shield adjusted 30% max mana >>> 15-45% max mana
Q damage reduced 105/155/205/255/305 >>> 105/150/195/240/285
W monster damage increased 60-180 >>> 60-220
E adjustments:
Damage: 200% tAD (+25% AP) >>> 175% tAD (+25% AP)
Bonus Damage against monsters increased 150% tAD (+125% AP) >>> 175% tAD (+125% AP)
[New] Monsters and minions are occasionally sent to the moon when overkilled
System Buffs
Mortal Reminder:
Sterak’s Gage:
Shield decay duration increased 3.75 >>> 4.5 seconds
Shield bHP ratio increased 75% >>> 80%
Base AD to bonus AD ratio increased 45% >>> 50%
System Nerfs
Lethal Tempo
Frozen Heart:
System Adjustments
Demonic Embrace
League Of Legends Patch 12.20 Release Date
All of the modifications are currently being tested on PBE. On October 19, 2022, League of Legends patch 12.20 is slated for release.
Server maintenance for Patch 12.20 of League of Legends and when it will be released on various servers:
NA: 3:00 AM PT
EUW: 5:00 UK time
EUNE: 3:00 CET
League Of Legends Game
Riot Games created and released League of Legends (LoL), sometimes known as League, a multiplayer online battle arena computer game in 2009. The creators of Riot were motivated to create a standalone game in a similar genre by the Warcraft III custom map Defense of the Ancients. League has been a free-to-play game since its inception in October 2009, and it earns money through the sale of customisable character skins. Both macOS and Microsoft Windows support the game.
In the game, there are two teams of five players each, and they engage in player-versus-player combat while defending and occupying their respective halves of the battlefield. The ten players each control a “champion,” a figure with special abilities and a different playing style.
League Of Legends Gameplay
League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game in which the player takes isometric control of a character (the “champion”) with a variety of special skills. There are 157 champions that are eligible to play as of November 2021. Champions level up during a match by gaining experience points (XP) from defeating adversaries. Items that boost a champion’s power can be purchased using gold, which players earn both actively and passively through taking down the minions, champions, and defensive structures of the enemy side.
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