Mafsuk 2022 Where are They Now? Are Mafsuk Couples Still Together?

Married At First Sight Uk

A team of “experts” “scientifically” matches couples in the British television programme Married at First Sight. They first meet just before their wedding. When they return, they live together for a while while they attend rites of commitment and decide whether or not to continue their relationship.. A thirty-episode version employing the same format was ordered following the success of the sixth series. This time, there were two same-sex couples in the cast, a male and a female. Episodes 1, 2, 4, and 5 all featured the marriage of two couples. Episode 12 saw the marriage of two more couples, who joined the experiment in a franchise first. On August 29th, 2022, the series began.

List Of Mafsuk 2022 Couples 

S.No Couples


Jordan Emmett-Connelly
Chanita Stephenson


Duka Cavolli
Whitney Hughes


Adrian Sanderson
Thomas Hartley


George Roberts
April Banbury


Pjay Finch
Jess Potter


Richie Dews
Lara Eyre


Jenna Robinson
Zoe Clifton


Kwame Badu
Kasia Martin


Gemma Rose
Matt Murray


Johnathan Wileman
Sophie Brown


Matt Murray
Whitney Hughes

Mafsuk 2022 Where Are They Now?

The most recent season of Married at First Sight UK has won over viewers with its furious arguments and developing romances. Fans are curious about what has happened since the cameras were turned off as this series has come to an end. We provide a list of the whereabouts of the couples from MAFS UK season seven. So now that MAFS UK season seven is over, where are the couples? For more information, continue reading.

Are Mafsuk Couples Still Together?

Pjay Finch And Jess Potter

For Jess and Pjay, that is a strong no. After Jess admitted she wasn’t attracted to Pjay despite developing a friendship, these two became the first couple to exit the show. Since the end of the show, Pjay has resumed his day job with the Dreamboys, and Jess is allegedly back in her position as a dental hygienist.


Image Source: Instagram

Lara Eyre And Richie Dews

These two get yet another no. Lara and Richie’s interactions during the experiment didn’t exactly go smoothly because of their “lack of communication,” which led to arguments. Richie, a musician and producer, has been working on his music while Lara has been spending a lot of time with her young son in her hometown of Nottingham.


Image Source: Instagram

George Roberts  And April Banbury

No, since Married at First Sight UK, April and George have parted ways. After three of his ex-girlfriends accused him of being am “emotional abuser,” George was detained earlier this month on suspicion of using coercive and controlling behaviour. April has kept up her pilot training after leaving the show.


Image Source: Instagram

Duka Cav And Whitney Hughes

No, according to Duka and Whitney. Duka departed the experiment after his disastrous marriage to Whitney. The couple fought constantly and failed to develop any closeness throughout their time together; Whitney even referred to her spouse as a “fake.” Duka appears to have returned to his job in recruitment while Whitney and Matt continued the show.


Image Source: Instagram

Gemma Rose And Matt Murray 

Naturally, Matt Murray and Gemma Rose aren’t together either. They came on the show as a brand-new pair, but they split up when Whitney and Matt started dating. Since then, Gemma has shared stuff on OnlyFans and spoken on several podcasts about her time on the show.


Image Source: Instagram

Thomas Hartley And Adrian Sanderson

Sadly, these two split up in the middle of the performance. When Thomas admitted Adrian wasn’t his type, things between them didn’t start out well. Nevertheless, the duo appears to be more united than ever, despite some significant and highly visible conflicts during the experiment. While the couple frequently posts pictures of themselves together on social media and professes their love for one another, Thomas thought a romantic relationship should offer more.


Image Source: Instagram

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