One Of Us Tells The Truth The Other Lies Riddle Answer: Get The Riddle Answer Here


Riddles range from simple and easy to solve to serious brain-busters. The major head-scratchers in this list might take some big brain power to solve, but it sure feels great when you figure one out! One Of Us Tells The Truth The Other Lies Riddle has created a lot of buzz on social media. But just the answer to One Of Us Tells The Truth The Other Lies Riddle will not suffice as the explanation is what will make us understand the wittiness of One Of Us Tells The Truth The Other Lies Riddle. Check the complete question, answer and explanation to One Of Us Tells The Truth The Other Lies Riddle here.

One Of Us Tells The Truth The Other Lies Riddle

When you are posed with One Of Us Tells The Truth The Other Lies Riddle, you are bound to think of many answers. You would begin brainstorming for the answer to One Of Us Tells The Truth The Other Lies Riddle. Generally, when presented with a riddle, the urge to know the answer is more when compared to the other questions. This increased interest is because of the witty answers it provides.

Here is the complete question from One Of Us Tells The Truth The Other Lies Riddle.

“You’re in a room with two doors. There’s a guard at each door. One door is the exit, but behind the other door is something that will kill you. You’re told that one guard always tells the truth, and the other guard always lies. You don’t know which guard is which. You can ask one question to either of the guards to determine which door is the exit”.

What question should you ask?

One Of Us Tells The Truth The Other Lies Riddle Answer

Ask either guard what door the other guard would say is the exit, then choose the opposite door. If you ask the guard who always tells the truth, he knows the other guard would lie, so he’ll point you to the door leading to death. If you ask the guard who always lies, he knows the other guard would truthfully show you the exit, so he’ll lie and point you to the door leading to death.

An alternate solution is to ask a guard what they would answer if you were to ask them which door was the exit, then choose that door. The truthful guard will point to the correct exit, but the lying guard will. Here’s why. If you asked him what door was the exit, he would normally lie and point to the death door, but you asked him what he would say. If you asked what door was the exit and to lie to that question, he would point you to the exit.

What Are The Benefits And The Significance Of The Riddles?

Riddles are the most common way to drain out the stress we face in our day. It is also a great way to increase a person’s thinking skills and help one gain more concentration, increasing the individual’s memory power. Riddles are amusing queries that make people think and generate phenomenal answers. Read the entire article carefully to know the answer and the explanation for One Of Us Tells The Truth The Other Lies Riddle. Follow us consistently to get the answers and explanations for today’s more amusing puzzles and riddles.

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