Swtor Patch Notes 7.1.1, All About Swtor Game Play, and More

Swtor Game:

The Old Republic is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that depends on the Star Wars universe. Developed by BioWare Austin and another team at BioWare Edmonton, the game was announced on October 21, 2008. The Microsoft Windows platform released the video game on December 20, 2011, in North America and part of Europe. It was updated in Oceania and Asia on March 1, 2012. This story occurs in the Star Wars universe shortly after establishing a tenuous peace between the re-emergent Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. The game features eight different classes. Every eight types have a three-act storyline that progresses as the character levels up.

Swtor Patch Notes 7.1.1


  • Players can now unlock 32 slots of outfits instead of 16 in their Outfitter.

  • Long characters’ names are no longer cut off in the Character Sheet.

  • Increased inflow of Daily Resource Matrix from the following sources:

  • Group Finder Role in Need rewards 10 DRM (up from 5)

  • World Bosses reward 8 DRM on kill (up from 3)

  • Weekly Missions for Heroic Areas reward 40 DRM (up from 20)

  • Weekly Missions for Daily Areas reward 50 DRM (up from 25)

  • Mission “[WEEKLY] Priority Targets” rewards 40 DRM (up from 20)

  • Players are now correctly receiving loot after defeating World Bosses.

  • Added Jawa Scraps to deconstruct packages for Level 80 gear.

  • Guild Ships can now travel to Manaan.

  • Players wearing level-appropriate gear for an area will not become noticeably weaker when level-shifting downward.

  • The Damage, Survivability, and Support stats on the Character Sheet should now more accurately reflect the role of your current Combat Style.

  • Fixed several audio issues within the game.

  • Fixed several typos within the game.

  • Updating the Companion’s weapon is now reflected in the Character Sheet window.

  • Characters in the Character Sheet window are no longer stuck in an unarmed stance when opening the Character Sheet window with no weapons equipped.

  • Helmets’ visual effects are now displayed in the Character Sheet window.

  • The scroll bar from the Details window has the proper dimension.

  • The text of the Current Conquerors window is now correctly aligned.

  • The first Legacy Achievements now have a green border around their icons when completed.

  • Corrected the description of the following Star Fortress Companion to correctly mention the companion’s gender and the correct location:

  • “Deadeye” Leyte

  • Kohl

  • Fixed the issue where it was impossible to use gear from the Legacy bank in the Loadouts.

  • Outfits can no longer be selected if the “Show Gear as Outfit” option is selected.

  • Fixed the issue where the deconstruction button from the Inventory window remains highlighted when the button is pressed for a more extended period and dragged out of the button area.

  • The currency icon no longer appears in the mail title when no currency is attached.

  • The content of the chat window is no longer outside the window when resizing the global scale.

  • Hovering over the items of vendors’ inventory is now correctly highlighting the item and displaying the tooltip.

  • Guild Heraldry and Guild information are now correctly displayed when inspected.

  • Fixed an issue where in certain circumstances, if a player sent a large number of credits to another player, it could become a COD instead.

  • The Public Listing dropdown menu in the Stronghold Management window now correctly appears greyed out instead of yellow.

  • Companion M1-4X now correctly animates when attacking.

  • Dualsabers no longer rotate 180 degrees in the character’s hands while running and walking – all body types.

  • Imperial and Republic turrets are no longer misplaced on Hoth and Belsavis.

  • Lights attached to the underwater submersible are now correctly pointing to the front instead of the left in the Manaan Fortification Mission.

  • Exiting the Guild Flagship while around Mek-Sha no longer transports the player to space.

  • There are no longer gaps or empty zones on the Manaan World Map.

  • There is no floating elevator button in the Visitor’s Center Exploration Dome of Manaan Daily Area.

Cartel Market

  • The Cartel Market plate of the following unlock items now matches the in-game appearance:

  • Bright Yellow Eyes unlock

  • Bright Blue Eyes unlock

  • The “Title: The Seasoned Veteran” is no longer missing from Collections.

  • The source of the PTS Title Rewards is now correctly displayed in the tooltip.

  • The Corellian Bunker Buster Aurek now shows the correct image in Collections.

  • The “Low Fade” hairstyle is no longer clipping on the back of the Female Body Type 2.

  • The Cartel Market icons of the following items are now different:

  • Ultimate Cartel Pack

  • Hypercrate: Ultimate Cartel Pack

Items + Economy

  • Triggered and Activated effects from Relics will now function when in Level Shifted areas, with their effects scaled appropriately.

  • Triggered and Activated effects from Relics rating 312 and above will now scale correctly with their item rating.

  • Ajunta Pall’s Mask is no longer clipping with the character’s mouth and chin during cinematics when equipped on Female characters.

  • Fixed the following issues on the Headstrong Apprentice’s Armor Set:

  • The Headstrong Apprentice’s Chestpiece is no longer deformed when equipped on Female Body Type 1, 2, and 3.

  • The Headstrong Apprentice’s Greaves are no longer stretching between the legs.

  • The Headstrong Apprentice Gauntlets no longer disappear when equipped with any robes with large sleeves.

  • The Temple Guardian’s Helmet is no longer stretching during cinematics.

  • The following posters are now correctly lit up:

  • Colonel Gallo

  • Shae Vizla

  • The Dark Descent

  • Legacy of the Sith

  • Arcann’s Mask is no longer clipping with the nose of Human head types.

  • The Jetpack fires visual effects are now correctly displayed on the following items:

  • Remnant Resurrected Bounty Hunter’s Body Armor

  • Remnant Dreadguard Bounty Hunter’s Body Armor

  • The visor of the following items are now correctly displayed in the Character Sheet window:

  • Mandalorian Stormbringer’s Helmet

  • Infamous Bounty Hunter’s Helmet

  • The following guaranteed upgrade chests will now check for empty slots first when opened:

  • Elite Decurion Requisition Cache

  • Supreme Decurion Requisition Cache

  • Rakata Requisition Cache

  • Tionese Requisition Cache

  • Column Requisition Cache

  • Thyrsian Requisition Cache

  • Infamous Bounty Hunter’s Helmet antennas no longer appear in the Character Sheet window when hiding the helmet.

  • The hip bolts of the MD-CH1 droid now remain centred in the socket.

  • The cuff part of the following items is no longer missing when equipped on Female Body Type 1:

  • Empowered Restorer’s Gloves

  • Ardent Oracle’s Gauntlets

  • The double-bladed Lightsaber description now correctly mentions that the weapon can only be equipped in the main hand.

  • The Steadfast Master Gloves fingertips no longer miss texture in Preview Window and cinematics.

  • The visual effect of rocket boost is now correctly positioned on the Restored Triumvirate Body Armor.

  • Removed references to Knock off Protection in the descriptions of Mount Abilities as it was previously removed from the game.

  • It is no longer possible to see through the Patient Defender’s Helmet.

  • The Razor’s Kickstart Tactical Item is now correctly working after resurrecting the player’s character.

  • The Rocket Boost Ability visual effect is now correctly displayed on the boots when a character is equipped with the following items:

  • Remnant Resurrected Agent’s Jacket

  • Remnant Resurrected Smuggler’s Jacket

  • Fixed several clipping and texture issues on the Imperial Reaper’s Armor Set.

  • Rakata Bulwark’s Armor Set now has the correct appearance for each faction.

  • Fixed the following issues on the Advanced Scout’s Helmet:

  • The Advanced Scout Helmet is no longer clipping while the character is in combat stance or combat.

  • There is no longer a gap around the neck area while wearing the Advanced Scout’s Helmet.

  • The Ardent Oracle’s Bracers now change colour after a dye module is applied.

  • The Cuffs and Belt from the Supreme Decurion Requisition Cache have now the correct icons in the Crate Rewards window.

  • The Shoo emote is now available again from the Social Emotes menu.

  • The Hallowed Gothic Vestments no longer stretch in cinematics.

  • The Model SGS-45 Quarrel toy no longer displays the incorrect name.

  • The Furious Gladiator’s Helmet visual effect is now only present for the slot where the helmet is.

  • The Iokath Hydraulic Buttress decoration no longer disappears when viewed in the Preview window.

  • Kai Zykken’s MK-9A Holo Log decoration no longer disappears at a certain distance.

  • Updated the background colour of the Nihrot Sample decoration icon to purple.

  • Seeing the fire asset through the Gaffi Stick Forge Decoration is no longer possible.

  • Fixed texture issues on the “Petrified Tree” decoration when viewed in the Preview Window.

  • The Fractured Bogan Lightsaber now has the correct name in Collection in German.

  • Increased the Weekly cap of the following currencies to 1200 (up from 999):

  • Daily Resource Matrix

  • OP-1 Catalyst

  • WZ-1 Accelerant

  • FP-1 Stabilizer

  • Increased the total cap of the following currencies to 1200 (from 999):

  • Daily Resource Matrix

  • OP-1 Catalyst

  • WZ-1 Accelerant

Combat Styles


  • The Combat Styles Colors Selection window can now be closed by clicking the button that opens it.

  • Combat revives will now not activate on targets that already have a revive pending, and will cancel if in progress without going on cooldown if the target receives another revive.

  • Removed the restrictions from Legacy Vendors on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas.

  • Added the following new Tactical items to the Supplies vendor on the Fleet:

  • Powertech / Vanguard

  • Advanced Prototype / Tactics

  • Powered Detonator (Burst)

  • Thermal Detonator / Assault Plastique remains dormant on the target for 12 seconds, and can be detonated by Magnetic Blast / Tactical Surge , Energy Burst / Cell Burst or Rail Shot / High Impact Bolt. Depending on which is used, a different effect is applied.

  • Magnetic Blast / Tactical Surge: Slows the target by 50% for 10 seconds.

  • Energy Burst / Cell Burst: The cooldown of Rocket Punch / Stockstrike is reset.

  • Rail Shot / High Impact Bolt: Your next Shoulder Cannon missile deals 20% more damage.

  • Sorcerer / Sage

  • Madness / Balance

  • Killing Field (AOE)

  • Demolish hits all nearby targets affected by your Deathmark.

Combat Styles Changes


  • Dodge now additionally lowers threat by a moderate amount and lasts one second longer.

  • Strategic Surrender and Sly Surrender now additionally grant 60% AOE DR while Dodge is active.

  • This now works with the Skedaddle mod.

  • Updated Disappearing Act tooltip for clarity on its effect in Flashpoints and Operations.


  • The “Acid Lash” Tactical no longer improves the damage of Flechette Round.

  • Increased the duration of the Advanced Stealth mod effect to 6 seconds (up from 4 seconds).

  • Increased the duration of the Upper Critical mod effect to 8 seconds (up from 4 seconds).

  • Increased the damage reduction per stack from the Defensive Stance mod to 5% (up from 3%).

  • Relentless Fists now increases damage of Sucker Punch by 10% in addition to its previous effects.

  • Defensive Stance now lasts for 10 seconds (up from 6).

  • The Best Defense mod now adds a life steal component to Shank Shot, stealing 50% of the damage dealt.

  • Increased the movement speed bonus granted by Quick Countermeasures to 100% (up from 50%).


  • Reduced the Medical Burst mod’s healing on secondary targets by 50%.

  • The Underworld Tactics mod now additionally grants 10% increased healing to Underworld Medicine.

  • Reduced the healing received bonus given by Kolto Mark to 10% (down from 20%).

  • Redesigned “Defensive Medicine” mod, which is now called “Reactive Substance”, and does the following:

  • Underworld Medicine applies a reactive substance to the target for 10 seconds. If the target is dealt damage during this time, they are healed. Stacks up to 2 times.


  • Evasion now additionally lowers threat by a moderate amount and lasts one second longer.

  • Quick Countermeasures and Sly Countermeasures now additionally grant 60% AOE DR while Evasion is active.

  • This now works with the Evasive Screen mod.

  • Updated Cloaking Screen tooltip for clarity on its effect in Flashpoints and Operations.


  • Reduced the Kolto Burst mod’s healing on secondary targets by 50%.

  • The Kolto Stim mod now additionally grants 10% increased healing to Kolto Injection.

  • Reduced the healing received bonus given by Nano Mark mod to 10% (down from 20%).

  • Redesigned “Defensive Injection” mod, which is now called “Reactive Substance”, and does the following:

  • Kolto Injection applies a reactive substance to the target for 10 seconds. If the target is dealt damage during this time, they are healed. Stacks up to 2 times.


  • The “Acid Lash” Tactical no longer improves the damage of the Acid Blade.

  • Increased the duration of the Advanced Stealth mod effect to 6 seconds (up from 4 seconds).

  • Increased the duration of the Tactical Critical mod effect to 8 seconds (up from 4 seconds).

  • Increased the damage reduction per stack from the Defensive Stance mod to 5% (up from 3%).

  • Reduced the critical damage bonus given while Stim Boost is active to 15% (down from 20%).

  • Relentless Blades now increases damage of Laceration by 10% in addition to its previous effects.

  • Defensive Stance now lasts for 10 seconds (up from 6).

  • The Best Defense mod now adds a life steal component to Crippling Slice, stealing 50% of the damage dealt.

  • Increased the movement speed bonus granted by Quick Countermeasures to 100% (up from 50%).







  • Hyper Assault Cell’s critical damage bonus for Ion Wave, Shock Strike, Plasmatize, and Plasma Flare is now 10% (down from 15%).

  • Burnout – Searing Wave causes your next Plasma Flare to deal 30% additional damage (down from 40%).


  • Tactical Surge damage was reduced by 14%.

  • High Yield Explosives stacks damage bonus reduced to 4% per stack (down from 5% per stack). (total of 16% damage bonus to Assault Plastique down from 20%).

  • High Friction Bolts damage reduced to 5% (down from 15%).

  • Triumph damage increase to bleeding targets is reduced to 3% (down from 5%).

  • Superheated Cells damage was reduced by 25%.



  • Charged Gauntlet’s critical damage bonus for Searing Wave, Flaming Fist, Scorch, and Immolate is now 10% (down from 15%).

  • Burnout – Searing Wave causes your next Immolate to deal 30% additional damage (down from 40%).

Advanced Prototype

  • Magnetic Blast damage was reduced by 14%.

  • Power Burst Mod stacks damage bonus reduced to 4% per stack (down from 5% per stack). (total of 16% damage bonus to thermal get down from 20%).

  • Serrated Blades damage was reduced to 5% (down from 15%). (combined into prototype rail)

  • Blood Tracker damage increase to bleeding targets is reduced to 3% (down from 5%).

  • Lingering Heat damage was reduced by 25%.

For further updates of patch notes, we will update soon as as possible.


Image Source: pinterest

Swtor Game Play

Players join as members of the two major main factions – the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Even though each faction is led by a benevolent or malevolent leader, it is emphasised that an individual member may possess a morality at any point along the light/dark spectrum. The project’s key focus is differentiating between the player’s faction and character. For instance, a member with ties to the Sith Empire follows the light side while attempting to achieve their ends, which may be misaligned or different from a sith’s vision. Player advancement occurs through a combination of mission completion, exploration, and defeating enemies.

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