The film, which is being produced by well-known producer C.V. Kumar’s Thirukumaran Entertainment, was launched by Samathuva Makkal Kazhagam youth wing president Karthik Narayanan, who lit the traditional lamp and sounded the clapboard, marking the launch of the film.
‘Hyena’ will be a hunting as well as a haunting, fast-paced mystery thriller with twists and turns.
‘Hyena’ stars Prajan, Arun, Riya, Priyalaya, Libra Ravindran, Rethika, Shobana, Saivam Ravi, Rizu and others in prominent roles.
Speaking about the film, director Prashanth Chander said: “It is going to be a thriller film with many unexpected twists and turns. The story of the film will focus on illusion.”
Chander, who has worked as an associate director for ‘Gangs of Madras’ with producer and director C.V. Kumar, added: “It is a great honour to direct my first film for my guru’s production house. This will be the most important film in the second decade of Thirukumaran Entertainment.”
The story has been penned by Nirmal Kumar while Rajesh Kannan will choreograph the stunt sequences. Rebbeca is the costume designer of this film, which will have cinematography by A. S. Suriya. Music for the film is being composed by Hari.
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